
  • TypeScript E-Commerce Frontend
    TypeScript E-Commerce Frontend Feb 2024

    A remake of my JavaScript E-commerce shop mockup, now with Vite!

  • Personal Website (2024)
    Personal Website (2024) Dec 2023

    My personal website, the very one you are at right now!

  • WordGuess Game (React)
    WordGuess Game (React) Dec 2023

    A game where you guess a letter to find the word. Fetches a random word from an API and uses Framer Motion for some animation when changing pages.

    ReactTailwindTypeScriptFramer Motion
  • JavaScript E-Commerce Frontend
    JavaScript E-Commerce Frontend Aug 2023

    The frontend mockup of an e-commerce site. Made with just JavaScript and CSS/HTML.

  • WordGuess Game (JavaScript)
    WordGuess Game (JavaScript) Jul 2023

    A basic game to guess the word, made in just HTML and JavaScript. Just uses a small list of words from a local JSON file.

  • Personal Website (2023)
    Personal Website (2023) May 2023

    The second iteration of my personal website.

  • Personal Website (2022)
    Personal Website (2022) Feb 2022

    My first public version of my own personal website.

  • Simple E-Commerce Frontend 2021
    Simple E-Commerce Frontend 2021 Nov 2021

    One of my first attempts at making a website, and an e-commerce site at that.


© 2021-2024 Austin Hagel